Learn about the various educational services that are provided by JaVonne Jones Violin Music.

Private Lessons
Private violin lessons take place weekly for 30 minutes.
Lessons take place at Beulah Grove Baptist Church, which is located at 1434 Poplar Street, Augusta Ga.
Private lessons are $100.00. Each additional child is $80.00 per child ($20.00 discount). Violins are not provided but can be rented from the provider of from a local music store (portmans, music & arts, kirkwoods, etc).
Group Violin
Group Violin is a home school co-op service that serves in conjunction with Dekel mPact services. These students meet weekly for 30 minutes at the Kroc Center, which is located at 1833 Broad Street, Augusta in the white chapel. These lessons are $75.00 per student. Students will be provided for these students to use during session.
General Music Classes
If your home school organization, private school, or charter school is lacking a music education program, JaVonne Jones Violin Music is a certified music instructor with a concentration in general music. She can build a general music program that provides fun ways of learning music theory, music history and more! For more information, contact 706-828-1839.
Team Building through Music
Are you looking for fun ways to team build with your colleagues or organization, book JaVonne Jones to provide "BoomWhackin' Team Building Services" She helps you understand the importance of your specific role in meeting a common goal. She does this through the use of musical instruments in a fun and innovative away.